EVENT: She Runs LA DATE: Wed-Thu, April 27/28, 2011 LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA (more like Pasadena, CA) RACE BEGAN: 6:33 AM FINISH TIME: 01:06:24 After yesterday's very long and stressful day , I kind of cringed when I realized that I had only a 24-hour window (4 PM April 27th - 4 PM April 28th) to complete the Nike She Runs LA virtual 10k . I had a promo code from Run Eat Repeat , so I signed up and had the tank mailed to me. I finally got the tank yesterday evening, along with tickets to the post-race event at the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles. I had indicated I wouldn't be going, but I wound up with tickets anyway. Unfortunately, I am going out of town tomorrow, so I won't be attending the after-party. Since Fargo Marathon is in a few weeks, I also needed to get a 20-miler in, so I thought I would run 6.2 + 13.8 miles this morning and kill two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, lately, my "throwing" has been a bit off. The power...
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