Most of my workout clothes are from Target or other discount stores and are often not in the best taste . Some of my nicer ones I got as gifts . I am of the breed who thinks that if it's comfortable, it doesn't really matter what brand my clothing is. Yes, sometimes brand is a hint of the quality of the clothing, but not always. And when it comes to workout clothing, they all die in my sweat, so they are all seen as equals in my book. Tops are easy, as I accumulate all sorts of shirts from races . I've gotten to the point where if the shirt isn't women's cut or doesn't fit well, it goes straight to donation, as my workout clothing drawer is pretty full already. Since it takes me a long time to wear out any of my gear, even the cheap ones, I don't even think about buying replacements that often. As for bottoms, while I have many, they have kind of served different purposes. I basically only wear my Nike tempo shorts (gift) to...
my musings since 2006