Back at the beginning of the year, I made a hasty list of goals for the year, and now that we're approximately half-way through (already!)... it's time for my progress update. Retirement - save for : Now that things are more secure in the employment realm, this has officially begun! (On the bright side, I had an account at a previous job that has been stagnant since I left it, so now I just have one that will get my bi-weekly contributions.) PR : Not yet, but I did run my best marathon since 2009 this year (twice!) and did my first long relay ... However, I'm actually setting PRs in other athletic realms that I will elaborate upon later in the year (not to build suspense but to ensure I don't put it out there and then fail publicly). Publish (or attempt to publish) something (academic) -- In progress, though "attempt" is in the verbiage, so thank goodness. This recently got revived, and I have to say that the memory of ever writing a dissertation h...
my musings since 2006