Not-so-secretly, I have dropped a few hints that I have been dabbling/dipping into another sport. First, for anyone who follows me on Twitter , you've probably been annoyed by my Foursquare check-ins to an aquatic center. I mentioned something about some new goals in my mid-year recap . Also, there are the Speedos in my Insanity results post , as well as vague mentions of "light cross training in the PM" on some of the weekly update posts. In spite of my regular forays in the pool nowadays, I have been somewhat trying to not admit to the fact that I've been swimming. First of all, I used to consider swimming something that only people with money or nice parents who would go out of their way to take their kids to a pool and pay for lessons could do. I grew up with limited contact with the pool, and in those instances (fewer than I have fingers on my left hand), I remember mostly drowning or something to that effect. My high school didn't require swimm...
my musings since 2006