I've been trying to do some speed-work as a means to ease myself back into long-distance running, so I've been trying to go the track twice a month. The sessions have been pretty short so far, because I'm new to this and frankly don't want to give myself a reason to skip sessions. For now, they are all in fun, to establish a baseline that I can frequently "race against." It has been quite a number of years since I timed my mile -- almost six! If I ever want to run faster in half-marathons and marathons, working on the 1-mile segments seems like a good approach. This has been a really tough week. Most days, I was out from dawn to dusk, and one night, I worked overtime for so long that my feet were purple from the high-heels that I had to wear (it was a high-profile event, so flats wouldn't cut the dress code, sadly). So I didn't really want to wake up too early, though it was kind of a must since the temperatures have spiked. "The Ukrai...
my musings since 2006