Running is a relatively simple thing. All you really need are some clothes, socks, and shoes (and even all of THOSE are debatable), but then you wind up crossing those finish lines with stuff in your ears, something(s) around your arm, a fanny pack full of stuff, and socks way longer than they need to be. From my many reviews on this site, a simple thing can have a lot associated with it, for sure! I'm finding that preparing for a baby is kind of the same thing. We set up a crib last week and have a car seat, and according to my parents, this is all we really need for now. Being pretty minimal, I tend to agree, except we had been getting questions about a registry, which we finally opened recently. We tried to take a minimal approach. Knowing clothes would be outgrown and will somehow show up no matter what, we barely mention those things on there. Many of the things are kind of "nice" to have but not necessary, much like, yes, it's nice to have co...
my musings since 2006