***The title of this post says it all, so feel free to move along if you don't care to read about this topic... As I mentioned in my previous " Top Gear " post, if there was anything about being a new mom that I was not prepared for, it was breastfeeding. I mean, I had read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Le Leche League and bits and pieces from other books. I also went through Medela's online " course " (which isn't free but I had a free code come through my e-mail) and watched videos on YouTube. Still, once the baby got here, nothing went as planned. Without going into too many details, all the drugs from the birth interfered with things, and we had to rush Baby Tuesday to the pediatrician only to get sent to the lactation consultant. I always wondered why in the heck you'd need consultants for something that seemed so easy, but now I know. Otherwise, there is the Internet, and I found Kellymom.com to be a wonderful resource. Anywa...
my musings since 2006