I haven't made any resolutions for the past few years . Frankly, it's because I knew that I would gravitate toward my old/typical behaviors and then have to justify them. But I guess there is nothing wrong with that, and I should just be kind to myself while still looking toward the future. Better to try than not! I have high hopes for 2016, mostly because 2015 was basically titled "The Year I Did Not Sleep," and with any luck, things can only improve. (Right??!) 2016 Resolutions (Goals?) 1. Give more compliments I feel this requires no explanation -- makes everyone happier, the world a more positive place. Positivity sounds cheezy, but in a world full of otherwise, it is needed. I suck at this, so any conscious effort will be quantifiable -- for now, I will arbitrarily target 5 per week. 2. Complete a round of Focus T-25 This is a stretch-goal that I debated putting on here. I bought these DVDs two years ago and h...
my musings since 2006