Whew. Since I'm all about controlling my blood sugar these days, I spend a lot of my time planning out my food, discovering new foods, and looking at the ways I react to certain foods. This post is a random list of what I've learned so far. As I mentioned in my last post, although my doctor told me that spot-checking my blood glucose levels wouldn't be useful at the level that I'm at, I have found that it has been a huge help. So thank you, Amazon, for selling affordable test strips. In my last post, I also said that rice is a no-no. I did a second test where I had just HALF a cup of brown rice, along with other things in a meal (protein, fat)... unlike last time when I had white rice in isolation. Yet still, it did seem to raise my levels, so now I'm pretty much avoiding rice altogether. This is useful information. I've read that basmati rice might be an option since it's lower glycemic, so that will be the next test I do. Yes, it suc...
my musings since 2006