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Sun Chlorella (Giveaway -- Updated)

Update 4/25/11: The winners (as chosen by are... Kristin and Glenn!!  Please send me your mailing addresses to my G-Mail account Nobel4Lit2.


I have seen countless Japanese infomercials about a certain green drink that somehow improves the quality of life for the people who provide testimonials.  And I'm not just talking about a few sentences... they go through the hardships and life stories of these people.... no one suspecting that they are actually watching an infomercial.

Well, this is MY version of the long testimonial.  I received a bunch of Sun Chlorella samples, and being the running, STRESSED, stomach-sensitive, and stressed person that I am..... vowed to try them ALL.

This line of products boasts fiber, prebiotics, chlorophyll (from freshwater algae -- hey, it works for plants!), protein, and veggie content.  Even though my eating habits have improved a LOT, I can always use something to balance out my diet in times of STRESS.

"A" Tablets: One serving size consists of 15 pills. Don't freak out -- they aren't big -- I can gulp these down simultaneously.

They also make a bigger size with fewer pills to swallow... as well as a granulated version.  Don't be like me and try to mix the granules in your water, thinking they will dissolve.  They don't.  The granules are for hiding in food, but I can toss the packets down my throat like pills, anyway.  :$

After a few weeks of use, I noticed three main things: my skin was clearer, cravings for sugar and other junk went down a little (could be other reasons for this, though), and my digestion was regular (sorry for the TMI).  While I'd love to say it helped my energy levels, my unusually high level of stress makes testing this possibility nearly impossible right now.

There was also a facial cream intended for anti-aging in the package.  I am not sure it helped with clearing up my skin, but it did take away some painful dryness I had been having for weeks before that.  The cream also smells and feels good.

The Sun Euthero tea and supplements claim to give an energy boost without the joltiness of caffeine.  I liked the light-flavored tea, though I am not sure I felt boosted.  It could just be my busy schedule/stress, though!

Lastly, since I said I'd try ALL the items given to me, so I had to use up the "pet" versions of the tablets.  Since chlorella is detoxifying, I figured they would benefit.  The dog was an ideal candidate, since he'll eat pretty much anything. 

This is his "leave it"/"wait" trick:

He liked these so much that he stole the remainder of the package!  :$  I had to pry it away so he wouldn't eat more than the recommended number of pills.

Perhaps most surprising is that the cat ate them, and I had NEVER seen her eat something that isn't fish- or chicken-flavored before.

In short, I like these products, as do my pets.  If you'd like to win one of two (2) sample packages similar to the one pictured at the top of this entry, do one of the following by: April 24th 11:59:59 PM (I'll select two winners via

US/Canadian residents only....

To enter:

1) Follow this blog and let me know in the comments (even if you already follow).

2) Tweet the giveaway and let me know in the comments.

3) Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment with your user handle (even if you already follow).

4) Leave a comment referencing something in this post... it could be about the products, my laptop, my testimonial, or even my pets. :P


  1. Interesting, I am always up for trying new products that help with stress, my stomach woes, and generally are natural products!

    I also wonder if my kitties would like them, your animals look so sweet!!

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  2. My gawd look at the pets go at those pills. Can't even believe the cat is eating them. She is semi picky about what she eats. I would like some. Give it here!

  3. I didn't realize you had such a cutie of a dog!
    Hoping that your stress level keeps getting lighter and lighter :)

  4. Wow, I had no idea that Chlorella comes in so many different forms.. especially for pets!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've heard of this product but hadn't heard any testimonials- I'm glad to see it made a difference for you.

    (I've followed you on twitter and will tweet the contest- I'm @moultgard)

  7. I'm a follower! And very intrigued to try the sun chlorella.

  8. Your pets make me wonder how my dog would be with another cat around. She gets so jealous of other dogs, I'm not sure what her reaction to a cat would be!

  9. No wonder the pets are hesitating. Don't they look like rabbit turds?


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