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Rebecca Michaels Performance Clothing (Giveaway)

UPDATE: 6/21/12 -- This giveaway is closed, and the winner is #43, Jacqueline!!  I will contact you, but if you miss it, please e-mail me!

I'd like to credit in advance "The Ukrainian" who helped me stage some photos for this post. =)

Perhaps because I don't dress well when working out, I was offered the opportunity to try some fun pieces from the Rebecca Michaels summer collection.

Since I complained about my issues with headbands staying on my head, I also got to try their Violet Love headbands.  "The Ukrainian" didn't hesitate in throwing one on, and I think he said he looks like Rambo in it.

Anyway, I'll start with my experience with the headbands.  They are very soft and actually look SUPER cute on!  They also cover a large portion of the top of your head, so those little fly-aways don't come drooping down.  Or is that just me?  My hair is normally cut in layers, so I do experience this quite a bit.

Unfortunately, they weren't able to hold on that well through my Insanity workout, at least not without adjusting it a few times.  I think that my hair is just very slippery (not oily, just VERY straight and thick), so I would rather wear these out or when I'm walking.  Again, they are cute!

As for the clothes, they are also REALLY soft and really comfortable, almost like a second skin.  I never wear workout clothing like this, so it was interesting to experience wearing items that are a little more fitted and... colorful.

Top and pants.  The pants come up to a comfortable point on my waist.  The straps on the top are adjustable, which is great because I had to bring them all the way up.  There is a shelf-bra inside the tank -- I'm typically not a fan of these since they don't usually feel like they are doing the job (and there's really not much job to do, really -- hah!), but I thought these were adequate... just not for running.

Whopping 3-pounders!!

The shorts were my favorite -- light and flattering, also coming up at a good point on my waist.  Even with all my sweat, they dried quickly.

Yes, I've already acknowledged my gnarly widow's peak...
Mid-length shorts: I was surprised because I thought these were the same length as the ones above.  I liked these also because they didn't ride up or anything.

The team at Rebecca Michaels was generous enough to offer a sampler to a lucky reader!  This giveaway will be open to residents of the U.S. and will end on June 20 at noon!

To enter, please leave one comment for each of the following:

1) Go to and tell me which item you'd most like to try and why (e.g., "I love green patterns" or "I want to feel girly")

2) Follow Rebecca Michaels on Facebook OR Twitter (max 1 entry for this) and leave a comment letting me know you did!

3) Retweet this giveaway and include the handle @nobel4lit so I can find it.

4) Mention and link this giveaway on your blog.

FTC Disclaimer: I was sent samples of this product line to review but was otherwise not compensated to provide a positive opinion.


  1. Cool giveaway! A person can always use cute, new workout attire to help with motivation. I'd most like to try one of those headbands. My hair is also in layers, and it's a lot easier to concentrate on bike riding without wisps of hair flying in your eyes. :)

    BTW, aren't kettlebells awesome?

  2. I followed Rebecca on Twitter.

  3. The black 'hip to be tied' pants are very cool - I love wide-legged pants.

  4. I'd like to try the Electic Avenue Side Point dress and cover up - I love the draping of the fabric and fun print!

  5. I also retweeted the giveaway. I don't have a blog, though, so this will be my last comment :)

  6. I followed Rebecca on twitter

  7. I love the yoga/lounge pants!!

  8. I love the compression tops-the melrose print is really cool!

  9. Wow, I really love the Black and Blush Hip to be Tied Yoga pants. They're flattering and look so comfortable. I could totally see myself wearing them casually but also dressing them up to go out!

  10. And I liked Rebecca Michaels on FB and am following her on Twitter too!

  11. the headbands

  12. liked on fb

  13. Like Rebecca Michaels on FB and Follow her on Twitter

  14. would love to try the Blush Hip to be Tied Lounge/Yoga Pant because I love good comfy clothes to change into after work, ahhhhhh.

  15. retweeted, yea
    thank you!

  16. i like the ELECTRIC AVENUE V-NECK CAMISOLE - the tie dye pattern is fun!
    mermont84 at

  17. I like Rebecca Michaels on Facebook
    mermont84 at

  18. tweeted
    mermont84 at

  19. I'd love to try the JAMAICA LOUNGE PANT b/c I love the pattern and the wide leg at the bottom

  20. Very fun giveaway! I'd love to try the Rodeo Drive Compression Sports bra because I love pink and the fun play on chevron!! :D

  21. I tweeted the giveaway!!


  23. I like the blue raz One size triangle dress because I just don't have enough cute clothes in blue:)

  24. Following Rebecca michaels on twitter @natlayyy

  25. I retweeted and followed Rebecca on twitter. I need some crazy patterns in my life, my workout clothes are boring with an uppercase B. Great giveaway!

  26. I like the electric avenue racer bra.

  27. I would love to try the Black Signature Capri because they look like they would be perfect to do yoga in.

    navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. My favorite item is a tie between the Orchard Road V-Neck cami and the triangle dress. I love the print on the cami and dress is simple & looks really comfortable! :)

    seashell210 at gmail dot com

  29. I follow Rebecca Michaels on Twitter as @boutiqueofluck

    seashell210 at gmail dot com

  30. Tweeted about the giveaway!

    seashell210 at gmail dot com

  31. I mentioned your giveaway on my blog!

    seashell210 at gmail dot com

  32. I LOVE the MELROSE PLACE RACER BACK COMPRESSION BRA because it's such a fun sports bra, and mine seem so boring in comparison!

    lesliexhope at gmail dot com

  33. ORCHARD ROAD V-NECK CAMISOLE because it's super pretty!

  34. i follow on twitter (@zafflower)

  35. I'd like the Hollywood ¾-sleeve Baha Hoody Pullover because I love that colorful tie dye print. Thanks!

  36. I'm in love with

    The pattern is just amazing.

  37. I (@slimyfalsetto) am now following Rebecca on Twitter.

  38. I want to try the Rodeo Drive racer back compression bra because that pattern in pink is outta this world!

  39. I'd love to try the "BLACK HIP TO BE TIED LOUNGE/YOGA PANT"!


  40. love the black signature capris... theyre boring and basic just like me :)

  41. i like the FIFTH AVENUE SUMMER HOODY DRESS - its a cute design and i think it would look good on me!

  42. I Follow Rebecca Michaels on twitter @patis2000

  43. I tweeted
    patis2(at)msn(dot) com

  44. Love the flowered print of ORCHARD ROAD SIGNATURE CAPRI it looks very comfortable.
    sonflower277 at gmail dot com

  45. My favorite dress in the whole world is Rebecca Michaels hoody dress. Next I'm going to try the triangle dress - the website says it doubles as a top.

    I have really crazy thick wavy/curly hair and use the performance headbands for serious workouts. The couture ones are good for looking cute but aren't really for sweating.

  46. I would most like to try the BLUE RAZ SIDE POINT DRESS AND COVER-UP!! It's hot here in Texas and we are spending a lot of time at the pool! This cover-up would be perfect

  47. I follow Rebecca Michaels on Twitter @36momma

  48. i'd like the orchard road and melrose place v-neck camisoles because of the girly patterns! =)

    thanks for hosting!



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