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About / Contact

My name is Julie, and I have lived in Southern California my entire life.  My interests include cooking+baking, handlettering, Pokemon, writing, and fitness.  I graduated from college with a bachelor's in psychology and later received a doctorate.  I currently work in Human Resources and have been married to "The Ukrainian" since 2012.  We have two children who I lovingly call Baby Tuesday (boy born late 2014) and Beeb (girl born early 2018). 

I ran sprints in high school (200m and 400m were my main events, along with some of the relays) and never thought I could run more than a mile.  Lo and behold, in 2006, I ran my first race and spent the next decade or so with "a case of the runs!"

This blog was started in 2006 in an attempt to capture my race memories in sort of a virtual "scrapbook."  Along the way, I started blogging about running gear, restaurants, and pretty much everything that has become a part of my life since this blog's creation.  

Life has changed a lot since 2006, but I continue to document my journey and hope that someone out there will find something that I share useful along the way.

Disclaimer: Please use your own discretion as you read any health advice given here, as the material on this blog is largely based on my own experiences and opinions.

Blog Policies:

Winners of giveaways are announced on the blog, and I will make one attempt to contact the winner (via Twitter, e-mail, or blog comment).  If the winner does not come forward within two weeks, I reserve the right to select a second winner.

Comment Deletion 
I reserve the right to delete comments that are rude, violent, or otherwise objectionable in nature.  Just like in real life, there is a difference between not agreeing and being plain mean.

I enjoy receiving e-mails from readers with questions or potential post ideas/guest posts.  I also accept communications from companies looking to partner up (though I reserve the right to post my true opinions).  Please refer to the Comment Deletion policy above regarding what types of e-mails I will plain ignore.

E-mail: Nobel4Lit2 AT gmail DOT com

Updated: 8/30/19


  1. So excited to 'meet' another LA runner! I'm doing Surf City in a couple of weeks! Cute blog!

  2. Thank you for coming to my blog! Wow - yours is phenomenal -I will have to explore! Your dog is adorable - he almost looks green there -cute :)

  3. I just wanted to stop by and say how much I love your weblog's name. I am dreaming up a blog of my own and I hope I can be as creative.

  4. Ukranian boys are the best! I got one too;) thanks for reading my interview with SR today! Take care

  5. Hey thanks for the comment on my blog! You have the best blog name ever btw. I'm from Eagle Rock, which is next door to Pasadena, where I see you've been (re: the Rose Bowl pic)!

  6. Hi Julie! I'm a PhD girl myself (Neuroscience from Penn State University). In fact, I started running in graduate school for stress relief - boy did I need it! Anyway, keep up the good work!

  7. Love the name of your blog! Laughed right out loud thinking of some of my embarrassing running incidents!
    Have a great one!

  8. A Psychologist who runs. In other words, you're where I want to be soon. For that alone, consider me a new subscriber! Awesome blog that you've been somehow able to maintain in graduate school. That is really, really very awesome. Hopefully we'll cross paths at some conference some day!

  9. Wow, a masters?! I'm surprised because you looked sooo young when I met you at FBfest! (No worries, it's a good thing) :) BTW, nice meeting you there even though it was brief~ And it's so awesome you're in the l.a. area. I'm in the OC hehe

  10. I love your blog! I just wanted to let you know that we featured you in a list of 100 best running blogs. You can find our article at the following link:

    We would appreciate it if you shared this with your readers, followers and fans.


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