It's been so long that we are already in a new year, and so far, it has been a survival game around here for various reasons, some of which I can't go into, but among them:
- The heat went out at our house, during what is probably the coldest and rainiest month we've had in balmy Southern California in years, and we are weak and unconditioned (also need to keep the kiddos warm).
- One kid had the flu -- I didn't know it at the time, and even urgent care didn't diagnose, but when two other kids in the class are diagnosed at the same time, it is pretty much a given
- I've been touring elementary schools, and boy, is that a major time commitment. The schoolsin the district are very hit-or-miss around here, so I feel the need to be informed.
- "The Ukrainian" is working a ton, so I'm bearing the brunt of the kid duties, keeping their stuff in stock, meals made, etc.
- It's kind of the worst of all worlds with the baby feeding right now, who is 10 months old. So I have to pump, nurse, do formula, make table food, purees, sippy cups... so much work!
So I haven't really been working out much, somewhat due to poor sleeping around here and also because I'm feeling run down from fighting off this flu(?) and a year of no sleep.
The good news is, I hit pre-pregnancy weight late last year without really trying, so any efforts from here on out will be focused on strength and stamina. And also, I've been eating a bit better without willing myself to, so that's all going to help me for when I do actually try to invest in my physical fitness again.
To be continued...
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